Chris Smith: A RINO’s RINO

Gavin M. Wax
5 min readFeb 5, 2022


Throughout his more than four decades in Congress, U.S. Representative Chris Smith (R-N.J.) has emerged as a reliable toady for the reprehensible uniparty that dominates the Washington, D.C. swamp.

As such, it comes as no surprise that he has the full backing of House Republican leadership and their massive war chest for his reelection to his 22nd consecutive term.

“Chris Smith is a bold and effective legislator for the people of New Jersey in the United States House of Representatives,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said.

“Standing true to his principles, Chris knows how to protect our nation’s treasured values, champion a strong economy, and stand up for the rights that make America the beacon of freedom for the world,” House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) stated.

The GOP side of the swamp understands that Smith will always follow orders and will never cast a vote that threatens the globalist that has built its collective wealth at the expense of ordinary Americans. With a woeful voting record earning him an F rating (41 percent) on Conservative Review ‘s Liberty Score, Smith embodies the absolute worst of what the Republican Party has to offer.

Smith is a favorite of gun control groups and union thugs in New Jersey because of his willingness to kowtow to their agenda out of political expediency. He supported raising the minimum wage, hurting small businesses further as they struggle to stay afloat amidst forced shutdowns that he declined to oppose. He also voted to introduce background checks for private transfers of gun ownership, helping the federal government continue to chip away at bedrock Second Amendment freedoms.

While these votes are certainly terrible and cannot be excused, Smith committed his most egregious betrayal of all by supporting the Biden infrastructure bill. This sad excuse for federal legislation was woefully inadequate to fund infrastructure while it sought to shuffle billions of dollars to left-wing special interests and pet causes. Smith then had the nerve to parade around conservative media and claim, in direct contradiction of objective reality, that his vote to enable Biden’s spending binge somehow the president’s agenda.

“Now that we’re done with the infrastructure bill, there is going to be a greater scrutiny on just what’s in the [Build Back Better bill] and how much it will cost-and that won’t help it,” Smith said, adding that various outlets have falsely “claimed this bill included amnesty for illegal immigrants and the Green New Deal.”

In fact, the infrastructure bill was heinous, and it lived up to and exceeded every derisive accusation levied at it by right-wing critics. The bill, supported by Smith and 12 other disreputable congressional RINOs , is projected to cost taxpayers at least $1.2 trillion. A mere $110 billion of the immense spending in the bill will be spent on real infrastructure-roads, bridges, waterways, and the like. The rest of the cash will be earmarked to promote far-left “Green New Deal” policies, costly mass transit projects that are wholly unfeasible in the age of remote work, new diversity scam payoffs, and a vast trove of new federal regulations.

In the legislation, the failing Amtrak system was papered over with an excess of $60 billion to kick the can down the road a little longer before it, inevitably, becomes insolvent. All this for a train system that is a national laughingstock that pales in comparison to those in other first-world nations. There was an additional $12 billion allocated to so-called carbon capture technology meant to combat global warming that has proven itself to be a disaster every time it has been tried. The bill will entrench junk science rather than encourage new innovations to boost the economy while mitigating environmental damage.

Other smaller expenditures further highlight the inanity of the measure. The bill earmarks $50 million to fund “Transportation Resilience and Adaptation Centers of Excellence,” which will produce reports about the evils of climate change and “engage” with “disadvantaged communities.” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg received $75 million to fund whatever studies he arbitrarily demands. (How many of those will be conducted by his former employer, avowed Chinese Communist Party client McKinsey and Company?) A $50 million provision in the legislation is supposed to develop a per-mile tax system on drivers accessing any American road.

Chris Smith openly and fervently endorses the legislation, claiming it’s a tool to disable the Left. In fact, it has set the stage for a future in which Americans are treated as cogs in a machine and subjected to technocratic dictates dreamed up by a soulless bureaucracy that maintains only a distant connection to the people.

Joe Biden signed this legislation into law in November, giving Democrats an accomplishment they can point to on the campaign trail duping voters during this year’s midterm elections.

“So my message to the American people is this: America is moving again, and your life is going to change for the better,” Biden said.

What Smith did through his support of Biden’s infrastructure power-grab was give the public an illustration of how Democrats have destroyed the nation, with Republicans helping them along the way. By listening to a litany of lobbyists and consultants, this gullible, weak-willed lawmaker somehow believed that giving Democrats 90 percent of what they want instead of 100 percent right now was some kind of win. This cannot even be considered a Pyrrhic victory.

Smith’s actions are a microcosm of the large-scale and disastrous GOP strategy by which our country has been sold out little by little over generations to the point that it is now virtually unrecognizable.

The career politician of 40 years, through his cowardice, demonstrated he is hopelessly stuck in his ways. Smith will always buy the lobbyists’ excuses to sell out. He will always choose to compromise with evil rather than fight it head-on as the public deserves. Smith is a bona fide swamp creature. He is unwilling and unable to get on board with the new GOP led by President Donald Trump that puts America first and without exception.

A worthy competitor has emerged in businessman and pro-Trump media commentator Mike Crispi. Crispi was an early Trump supporter and has spent years working for the Right Side Broadcasting Network. He has hired long-time Trump confidant, Russia-gate hoax victim, and American patriot Roger Stone to advise his campaign, and he has come out firing since announcing his campaign last month. Smith is in for the most difficult primary challenge in his long career.

While Smith has been selling out the country for decades, Crispi grew up watching freedom and opportunity being ripped away from young people like him due to institutional corruption that festers under RINOs like Chris Smith to the point that it now threatens our entire civilization.

Young Americans have had their futures undermined while Chris Smith has enjoyed his steak dinners, swelling bank account, and all the illicit perks of serving the establishment. It is no wonder so many young people on the Right feel alienated and betrayed by the habits and strategies of the current leadership in the GOP. It is past time to reconsider the path forward.

Originally published at on February 5, 2022.



Gavin M. Wax
Gavin M. Wax

Written by Gavin M. Wax

Gavin M. Wax is a New York-based conservative political activist, commentator, columnist, operative, and strategist. You can follow him on Twitter at @GavinWax

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